called Philip Ludwell I (1738-ca. 1716)

Artist: Unknown
Date: ?

The subject of this portrait is unclear. It is identified variously as Philip Ludwell I or Philip Ludwell II (1672-1726). There also appears to be later copies of the portrait. Philip Ludwell I emigrated to Virginia and became an powerful colonial official. His first wife was Lucy Higginson, with whom he fathered Philip Ludwell II and Jane Ludwell Parke (Mrs. Daniel Parke). He inherited Greensprings Plantation from his second wife, Lady Frances Culpeper Berkeley. The Ludwell family portraits from Greensprings were inherited and moved to Stratford Hall in the mid-eighteenth century by Hannah Ludwell Lee (Mrs. Thomas Lee) after her brother, Philip Ludwell III settled permanently in England.

Dimensions: 30 x 25 (76.2 x 63.5 cm.)

The subject wears a white wig and a dark jacket. He is inside a painted oval frame.


Family: Ludwell
Location: Unknown
Decade: Unknown