Colonel Charles Grymes (1693-1743)

Artist: Unknown
Date: ?

A portrait identified as Colonel Charles Grymes of Morattico descended at Stratford Hall with Ludwell-Lee family portraits. Charles Grymes’s eldest daughter, Frances Grymes, married Philip Ludwell III of Greensprings in 1736. The portrait apparently went to Greensprings with Frances Grymes Luwdell when Morattico ceased to be a family residence. It reportedly remained there until about 1760 when Philip Ludwell III left for England and family portraits went to relatives at Stratford Hall. It descended with the portraits identified as Governor and Lady Berkeley.

See: Alexander Wilbourne Weddell, ed., A Memorial Volume of Virginia Historical Portraiture, 1585-1830 (1945), 92.

Family: Grymes
Decade: Unknown
Attributes: man